Morning all.
I am trying to rally some troops to support Tom Wegener, in
particular, in his quest to prevent the application for STA above
being approved.
There are a number of very valid reasons for Council to reject the
application under the present planning scheme.
If, however, Council overrides these reasons, we are set to open
the floodgates for approvals for STAs in Rural areas of our Shire.
As you all now know, Council, so far, have done an appalling job on
STAs in the beaches areas of our Shire.
We cannot afford to have the same result inflicted on the beautiful
rural areas of our Shire.Tom is on the verge of achieving this end as can be seen in the
video of the General Committee Meeting on this last Monday 17th
This is his last chance to achieve his goal.
However, he requires more than a little moral support this Thursday
at the Council Meeting at the Pomona Memorial School of Arts Hall
at 5 PM.
So, I would ask as many of you as possible to attend the Council
meeting this Thursday and sit in the gallery.
And inform/ bring as many friends as possible.
Pomona is lovely at this time of year!